
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life couldn't be that bad

The last 7 months I am all alone in Washington DC but I do have people who care and worry about me but it doesn't seem matter when I still feel like my life is not here. I am home but my heart is

Oh I love DC is such a great city with plenty of free stuff to do but when you miss someone so much fun thing does not so fun anymore.

Today I got a great new and I am about to see the love of my life again then I look out at my window when the win of the spring time say hello to the bird.I saw a man a young gentleman on the wheel chair. I was so sorry for him and could not imagine how hard would that be if that is happen to my life right now. But that guy he is moving on he was keep moving the wheel chair with his own hand. He was slow because he got the brief case on his lap.

What am I doing? I was talking to myself. I was wasting my time for crying worry and be afraid. Think again sometime people need a good cry because this is life is full with sadness and happiness and all kind of stuff.

What ever is happen bad or good we just need to learn to love the lessen.

It's life and life is messy so cry when you need and  laughs with people that you love and be yourself . It couldn't be that bad right?
